Our story

Mayo Clinic began as a single-physician medical practice in Minnesota in 1864. Guided by our mission and values, we have since then become one of the largest not‐for‐profit, academic health systems, top-ranked for quality more often than any other health care organization.

With operations in five U.S. states and a growing international presence, more than one million people from all 50 U.S. states and nearly 140 countries come to Mayo Clinic for their care each year. We are committed to curing disease, connecting with patients where they are, and transforming how we cure.

Mayo Clinic has a history of changing the industry through innovation, and is credited with many important medical contributions. This firsthand understanding of the value of bringing new ideas to market is the reason why we established a model for innovation and collaboration with industry to drive new treatments and cures to benefit patients at scale, fast.

“It is a great thing to make scientific discoveries of rare value, but it is even greater to be willing to share these discoveries and to encourage other workers in the same field of scientific research.”

William J. Mayo, M.D.